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Product Manufacturing Video

Lingpao Technology Co., Ltd located in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China. Main products are: wireless, routers, switches, security monitoring, industrial equipment integrated wiring and other fields, with strong R & D, manufacturing etc.

Company Profile

The team of Shenzhen Lingpao Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2021, focusing on  data communication industry, Internet of Things, security monitoring and other intelligent hardware, providing high-quality products and solutions. The company’s headquarters is located in Nanshan High-tech Industrial Park , Shenzhen, has a complete independent research and development, manufacturing, and sales system.

Поддържаме тесен технически обмен и сътрудничество с Qualcomm, Realtek, MTK, Intel и други известни производители на чипове в бранша и непрекъснато подобряваме техническото ниво и възможностите за обслужване.

Фабриката заема площ от над 5000 кв. м, разполага с 10 високоскоростни SMT линии и има система за сертифициране на качеството ISO9001. Продуктът се изнася в повече от 10 страни и региони.

Product Application

Lingpao Technology, Located in Shenzhen, is mainly engaged in the production and sales of PoE switch related products, support OEM and ODM. The main products are wireless, routers, switches, security monitoring, industrial equipment, integrated wiring and other fields, with strong R & D, manufacturing, marketing capabilities for global operators, integrators and end users to provide “high quality, high stability, cost-effective” products and services.